{ "cat": "Geography", "DefaultTimeInSeconds": "30", "DefaultPoints": "30", "NumberOfQuestions": "5", "RandomQuestions": "TRUE", "DefaultIfCorrectAnswer": "WOW ... you are smart!", "DefaultIfWrongAnswer": "Sorry that is incorrect.", "TimeIsUp": "Time is up!", "node": [ { "question": "The world's tallest building to date (2014) is the Burj Khalifa. In which country is it located?", "answers": { "correctAnswer": "United Arab Emirates", "option": [ "United Arab Emirates", "Saudi Arabia", "Taiwan", "China" ] } }, { "question": "What is the capital of Australia?", "answers": { "correctAnswer": "Canberra", "option": [ "Canberra", "Sydney", "Melbourne", "Brisbane" ] } }, { "question": "Which is the largest body of water on Earth?", "answers": { "correctAnswer": "Pacific Ocean", "option": [ "Pacific Ocean", "Atlantic Ocean", "Indian Ocean", "Southern Ocean" ] } }, { "question": "Which major city is located at the meeting place of Europe and Asia?", "answers": { "correctAnswer": "Istanbul", "option": [ "Istanbul", "Sofia", "Odessa", "Beirut" ] } }, { "question": "The equator passes through ...", "answers": { "correctAnswer": "Kenya", "option": [ "Kenya", "Uganda", "Nigeria", "Ethiopia" ] } }, { "question": "What is the capital of New Zealand?", "answers": { "correctAnswer": "Wellington", "option": [ "Wellington", "Auckland", "Christchurch" ] } }, { "question": "The Great Barrier Reef is located off the coast of .....", "answers": { "correctAnswer": "Australia", "option": [ "Australia", "Canada", "South Africa", "Brazil" ] } }, { "question": "The world's tallest waterfall is located in which country?", "answers": { "correctAnswer": "Venezuela", "option": [ "Venezuela", "Nepal", "Zimbabwe", "Canada" ] } }, { "question": "Which country's flag has a cedar tree?", "answers": { "correctAnswer": "Lebanon", "option": [ "Lebanon", "Canada", "Ecuador", "Saudi Arabia" ] } }, { "question": "The Grand Canyon is primarily located in which US state?", "answers": { "correctAnswer": "Arizona", "option": [ "Arizona", "Nevada", "Utah", "California" ] } } ] }